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Religious Education

At Argyle we believe in the importance of children developing and expressing their own beliefs and values. When planning for teaching and learning in Religious Education, we use the Camden Agreed Syllabus 'Living Difference.' Through the 'Living Difference' syllabus children learn that they need to understand how and why people live differently from each other and respect their right to do so. Children learn to identify and understand how and why we have different beliefs, attitudes and practices and that by doing so they can also gain respect from others. Living Difference focusses on engaging with and enquiring into concepts. Concepts are 'big ideas' that enable us to interpret and communicate human experience and make sense of the world. Within religious traditions people use distinctive concepts to express their experience and their understanding of the world.

At different key stages students are progressively introduced to different groups of concepts as follows:

A concepts that are common to all human experience
For example, remembering, specialness, celebration, rights,
duty, justice

B concepts that are shared by many religions and are used in
the study of religion
For example,God, worship, symbolism, the sacred,
discipleship, stewardship, martyrdom

C concepts that are specific to particular religions
For example, Dukkha, Trinity, Tawheed, Redemption, Khalsa,
Moksha, Torah.

Christianity is taught aross all Key Stages and children are encouraged to make links between their own beliefs, those of Christians and those of other religions they have studied.

In Reception and Key Stage 1 children learn about Islam.

Years 3 and 4 are taught about Hinduism.

Years 5 and 6 learn about Judaism.