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Sports Funding

At Argyle, we are committed to improving the health and fitness of every child.  As well as providing a stimulating Physical Education curriculum (in which every child receives teaching from a specialist sports coach) we strive to provide extra-curricular sports clubs for every child.  We believe that varied PE opportunities provide a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of all our children.

  • Argyle Primary Sports Funding 2020-21 


All children in Key Stage 2 have swimming lessons with fully trained teachers at the local swimming pool.

After 20 hours of swimming in Autumn 2021 our swimming data for Year 6 stands as follows:

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety      %
The percentage of current Year 6 cohort who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.       83%               
The percentage of current Year 6 cohort who use a range of strokes effectively e.g. front crawl, back stroke and breaststroke


The percentage of current Year 6 cohort who can perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations.        28%
Has the school used the Primary P.E. and Sports Premium to provide additional provision for swimming over and above the national curriculum requirements?        NO