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The Nature of Reading

Reading is a multi-strategy approach to understanding the written word. It is not simply the decoding of black marks on the page but involves the ability to read with understanding a wide range of different texts including fiction, non-fiction, real world texts such as labels, captions, lists and environmental print. Competence in reading is the key to independent learning  and therefore the teaching of reading is given a high priority by all staff. Success in reading has a direct effect on progress in all areas of the curriculum and is crucial in developing children's self-esteem, confidence and motivation.

Children in all year groups are taught reading skills systematically in daily whole class Guided Reading sessions. All classes value reading and have a well stocked book area. Books are sent home on a daily basis.

A love of reading is further nurtured by a variety of initiatives such as volunteers and visits to the library.We encourage children to use the online 'Bug Club' reading program at home as well as in school.

 Reciprocal Reading

During Guided Reading sessions a variety of approaches will be used including the Reciprocal Reading skills of : Prediction, Clarification, Questioning and Summarising. Reciprocal Reading encourages children to be more active readers during reading sessions. By asking questions and thinking about their own comprehension as they read, pupils can have more meaningful discussions about the text.

Book Clubs

KS2 pupils are all part of a Book Club group. During this weekly session, teachers, teaching assistants and reading volunteers  facilitate the group in reading a challenging text for enjoyment. All pupils are given a copy of their Book Club book , which they take home and read daily. New texts are purchased annually using money raised from Book Fairs.


The systematic teaching of phonics is taught using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised scheme. This ensures a very systematic and structured approach beginning with the teaching of individual sounds, moving onto blending and segmenting words, then introducing children to sounds such as 'ai', 'ee' and 'oa'.  Children learn to read a range of texts closely matched to the phonemes they have learnt. 

Read, Write, Inc is also used as an intervention for those children who need additional phonics support whilst learning to read.

Alongside phonics teaching, an emphasis is placed on learning to read, interpret, enjoy and comment upon a wide variety of books, magazines, newspapers and information texts.

 Argyle Discovery Zone

We have a fantastic new library as part of the Argyle Discovery Zone. It is open for children in KS1 and 2 to browse and borrow books at lunchtime. After school, it is open daily between 3.30 p.m. and 5.00 p.m for all children to choose books with their parents. Children need to make sure they have their Argyle library card with them so that they can take books home.

 World Book Day

Each year we celebrate World Book Day and ask the children to come dressed as a book character. Teachers read stories within phases as part of the 'Share a Story' campaign.

Poem of the Week

Each week at Argyle we celebrate poetry with a new poem. The poems are always linked to world events, school events or our monthly value. They are often classics or have a rhyme scheme.


It is important fo children to be aware of events and issues in the wider world. Every week we receive 'First News', a weekly newspaper designed for children in KS2 full of interesting articles and related activities.