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At Argyle, 81% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Writing by the end of Key Stage 2. Children's writing skills are developed across the curriculum.



Children are taught continuous cursive handwriting from year 1 upwards through 'Marvin's Marvellous Mountain'.  Marvin teaches the children a new letter as he takes them on his adventure story and introduces them to new characters on the way.  With helpful rhymes such as "On the line every time...", actions and pictures to relate to each new letter, the cursive formation of letters can be quickly learnt.

Once the children are able to write in continuous cursive, they are able to use a pen in class.          

Spelling, Handwriting and Punctuation

All children in years 2 to 6 are given lists of spellings to learn as part of their weekly homework and these are tested by their class teacher.  Spelling also forms part of termly assessments; results are shared with parents at Parents' Evenings.  The spelling lists are taken from statutory word lists and patterns in the National Curriculum.  (This link could be entitled Spelling Patterns and Word Lists).

Children are expected to independently use and spell words from their lists in their written work.  They may rely on word banks and dictionaries for the correct spelling of more challenging vocabulary.

Grammar and Punctuation are taught within literacy lessons.  The progression of Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation is taught across year groups according to the guidelines in the National Curriculum. (This could be entitled Progression of Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation). ​

Children are expected to use the correct terminologye.g. modal verb and to use such grammatical structures to enhance their writing.  This will often be identified to pupils through discussion and model texts.  

There are many ways you can help your children learn their spellings at home.